Images taken from Google Images UK


31 October into 1 November

The start of the Celtic year and a time when the veil between the worlds thins.  This is a time to honour our ancestors.

Yule/Winter Solstice

Falls between 20 - 23 December 

The descent into the dark is complete. The sun stands still as we reach the shortest day and longest night. Candles are lit to welcome the return of the God and the sun.


1 February 

The beginning of the end of winter. The light is returning and nature is slowly starting to awaken. 

Ostara/Spring Equinox

Falls between 20 - 23 March

A brief moment of balance before we tip into the light. Signs of spring are all around.


30 April into 1 May

The beginning of summer in the Celtic calendar. Life is in bloom again. The union of the Goddess and the God.

Litha/Summer Solstice 

Falls between 20 - 23 June

The longest day and the shortest night. Although long summer days are ahead, the wheel of the year turns to the waning half and the darkness will slowly increase.


31 July into 1 August

The first harvest of the year. Fruits and grains are ripening and the fields turn from lush green to brown as they're ploughed.

Mabon/Autumn Equinox

Falls between 20 - 23 September 

The second harvest as the crops are gathered in. This time the brief moment of balance is before we tip into the dark.